Easthope engine

In this image we see Dave laying his talented hands on the flywheel on an antique Easthope engine in an effort to make it run. This engine was probably manufactured in Steveston before the Easthope foundry moved to False Creek.

This engine, and its close relatives (viz. Vivian) was the power plant of choice for fishing vessels in this area during the '20s, 30s and into the 40s. There are still a few in service in vessels that are retired from active duty but are still operated by their owners for love rather than money.

The sound from this engine is the distinctive 'kachung - kachung - kachung' of the 'one lunger.' (On the East Coast it was the (in)famous Lunenberg engine.)

These engines are pretty well gone from the industry now and only a few remain in museums and private collections.

Dave got a few detonations on this day but smooth running remains a future goal.

The Eva, a classic 1937 gill-netter currently in Finn Slough. is powered by an Easthope engine. She visits Britannia from time to time. This brief video features the sound of her engine at idle: hear Eva Idling at Finn Slough.


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5180 Westwater Drive, Richmond, BC
britannia@richmond.ca   604-238-8050

Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site Society